
Posts Tagged ‘Pet’


Its been a long time since I have updated the blog. Not that many people read it. But the only person I can blame for that is myself. If I let people know that I have a blog they will visit. So well I will start letting people know about it from now on. The one person whom I recently told about this blog is my very good friend Varun.

Anyways about the updates. The last few months have been very eventful. First there was a month when my wife was trying to convince me to buy a dog. For those of you who know her well you would have a pretty good idea of how “convincing” she can be. So finally I decided to buy her a puppy (in advance) as a gift for our second marriage anniversary which was yesterday.

 Then came the hard part of looking for a puppy we liked. As I have always been scared of dogs I was adamant on buying a small breed which is not aggressive, does not bark a lot, very loving and playful. After about a month of research and looking around we brought a puppy which was a cross between a Maltese and a Shih Tzu. And hence doof (that’s what we named him) became the first addition to our family.

He just turned 3 months last Saturday. He is so quiet that in the month that we have had him I have not heard him bark ever. At the most I have heard is a yap and that too about 4-5 times.

I return for the puppy I got a O2 XDA Atom Life as my anniversary gift. (Thanks wifey for that. I had always wanted that. And also thanks for convincing me to get doof. He is a bundle of joy.)

Other than that the past few weekends have been really busy. So yesterday on our anniversary we spent a quiet day at home.

On the work front. I just accepted an offer from my current employer to go permanent. I had been contracting with them since last 1.5 years and though I did not mind being on a contract I took up the offer of going permanent as there were many other benefits associated (sick leave and annual leave being the major ones).

Anyways before I end this post I would like to put up a picture of Doof. So here it is. Will hopefully keep on maintaining this blog.

Doof in his bed

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